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Can you feel it already? Summer is only a few short months away! Soon, your weekend will be warm and sunny, the smell of barbecues will spread around your neighbourhood, and you will enjoy the summer vibes with family and friends. Yes, after a long winter, it is finally time to get ready for it! So many of us are getting excited, and that’s a perfect mood to prepare your barbeque and make it shine for your first grill of the year! 

More than likely, you left your Weber gas BBQ in your garden or your garage and during winter, it gathered dirt and maybe got damaged, so here is your grill prep checklist before you next fire up your BBQ. 

Clean your grill  

If your grill was left outside for months, autumn and winter have passed, and yes, your BBQ will need a nice clean to get rid of any dirt. Use a special grill brush with a bit of warm water to wash the grates and a cloth for exterior parts. Avoid soap as it can become difficult to wipe off, and don’t use water in excess to keep the gas burner dry.

Use a stainless steel-friendly cleaning spray to wash the inside of your Weber gas BBQ and clean off any grease or food residue. Tend to the grease trap as well.

Check for damages 

The first thing to do for a safe BBQ party is to check the gas hose. Inspect it and ensure it still looks in good shape; you want to look out for holes or broken parts. Make sure the hose still fits perfectly from the gas bottle to the BBQ. Finally, it will not hurt to give it a little wipe. If you find it damaged or old, don’t hesitate to buy a new one. 

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Inspect the Weber gas BBQ to see if any rusted parts are showing; if so, give it a clean. Verify that all components are present and in good shape. If you feel one needs to be repaired or changed, go and shop for a new one; your BBQ will have a better taste! 

Gather all elements

You will need fuel for your grill; make a stock out of it so you will always be ready to use it. 

Look out for all your tools, such as a spatula, tongs, basting brush, stiff-wire grill brush, instant-read thermometer, paper towel, and aluminium foil. You may also need a grill light if you are making BBQ during the night. In addition, think of a fire extinguisher to keep your BBQ safe! 

Make the outdoor place nice and comfortable so you can keep all your BBQ material outside and easy to reach and use. 


Follow those steps before the first use of your BBQ, and summer will be on your doorstep before you realise it! Have you thought about what will be on your menu? Meat, fish, cheese, potatoes, or veggies? Everything is good on BBQ; enjoy your BBQ season! 


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